Capital is no longer in situ but has been attributed to the ambulatory. Currently housed in Musée Farinier.
Seasons and Virtues are personified on faces of capital; contained in mandorlas. The inscriptions run along the interior of the mandorlas. The text accompanying Spring and Prudence are still legible. However, the inscription for Summer is fragmentary and the text for Justice has completely disappeared.
Around the figure representing Spring, the inscription reads: VER PRIMOS FLORES PRIMOS PRODUCIT ODORES
Around the figure representing Prudence it reads: DAT COGN[OSCEN]DUM PRUDENTIA Q[U]ID SIT AGENDU[M]
Around the figure representing summer, accroding to the restitution of Abbot Pougnet: [FALX RESECAT SPICAS FER]VENS Q[U]AS DECO[QUIT] A[E]STAS.