Description: Archaeologists typically date the capitals at Chauvigny to the 12th century. The epigraphic evidence does not contradict this dating, but suggests that the date is in the first half of the century.
Capital height = 1.05m
Reference: The text for Announcement to the Shepherds comes from Luke 2:14: Gloria in altissimis Deo (2:14) and Pax in caelo et gloria in excelsis (19:38). The text inscribed here comes directly from the liturgy, [Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. The inscriptions referring to Babylon can perhaps be related to two passages from Apocalypse: Babylon magna, mater fornicationum et abominationum terrae (Rev. 17:5), and: Salus et gloria et virtus Deo nostro... qui judicavit de meretrice magna, quae corrupit terram in prostitutione sua (Rev. 19:2).
The south face of this capital illustrates the Weighing of Souls and cites Scripture.
: (three points) MAGNA ME
Description: Archaeologists typically date the capitals at Chauvigny to the 12th century. The epigraphic evidence does not contradict this dating, but suggests that the date is in the first half of the century.
Capital height = 1.05m
Reference: The text for Announcement to the Shepherds comes from Luke 2:14: Gloria in altissimis Deo (2:14) and Pax in caelo et gloria in excelsis (19:38). The text inscribed here comes directly from the liturgy, [Gloria in excelsis Deo et in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis. The inscriptions referring to Babylon can perhaps be related to two passages from Apocalypse: Babylon magna, mater fornicationum et abominationum terrae (Rev. 17:5), and: Salus et gloria et virtus Deo nostro... qui judicavit de meretrice magna, quae corrupit terram in prostitutione sua (Rev. 19:2).
The south face of this capital illustrates the Weighing of Souls and cites Scripture.
Description: Inscription on three faces of capital at fourth column of the rond-point of choir, south side.
Capital height: 1,05m.
Inscriptions are carved onto the face of the capital and around the Virgin's halo.
Inscription on Virgin's nimbus.
Reference: Confusion probablement commise par le graveur sur la face ouest du chapiteau. Le terme auta fait penser à la salutation ave, parfaitement conforme à la scène représentée sur la face sud du même chapiteau. Il est possible que le graveur ait d'une part interverti les deux textes et, d'autre part, mélangé les mots sancta et ave. On a l'impression qu'il a commencé à graver les deux premières lettres de la salutation de l'ange (AV) et terminé par les deux dernières lettres de sancta (TA). Le texte prononcé par l'ange de l'Annonciation est, d'après Luc 1:42: "Ave gratia plena, Dominus tecum". La forme "Ave Maria gratia plena" vient de la liturgie: alleluia et offertoire du 25 mars (et autres offices de la Vierge).
St. Mary
Saint Mary
AVTA MARIA (on nimb of Virgin)
: (3 points) GOFRIDVS ME FECIT
Description: Exterior arm of the south transept; intrados of the archivolt above the second window
Reference: There are several instances of alphabets carved in church walls. These alphabets have sometimes been related to the church dedication ceremony, but due to the location of these carved alphabets, it is difficult to assume this relationship.