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ICI : All Faces

Building Name Capital Location Face Inscription Translation
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face no inscription
Cathédrale Saint-Vincent Choir West AP[P]ARENS BINIS POST Apppearing to two pilgrims after Easter, the Lord sits between the two and gives them bread for blessing. He avoids their regard.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north ARCITICLINVS MVLIER master of feast, wife
Sainte-Foy Nave south MALVM ACIPE MERITVM O O, you accept the pay for evil
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest no inscription
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face no inscription
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face SANCTVS IOHANNES N APOSTOLVS St. John, Apostle
Sainte-Lucie Tribune South, on tailloir 1. QUANTA : DEI : PIETAS : QUANTUM : MERITUM/ 2. BESTIA : PLENA : DOLI : NON EST That the goodness of God is greater than the merit of Daniel is great. The beast is not full of trickery.
Maringues Choir South GABRIEL Gabriel
Saint-Pons-de-Thomières Cloister ANGELUS Angel
Ancien Abbaye Saint-Jean-de-Réome Unknown, DANIE Daniel
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face SANCTVS : MICHAEL St. Michael
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face BERTOLO[MEVS] MATHEVS Bartholomew Matthew
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Nave Inscription was painted and is no longer discernible. TIME. SPERA FEAR HOPE
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face NA BV CO DO NO [SOR] King Nabuchodonosor
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine West portal Over Angel ANGELUS Angel
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Impost block ABRAAM : ISAAC : ET IMMO Abraam, Isaac, et immolacio. [Abraam, Isaac, et le sacrifice]
Abbaye Saint-Pierre Narthex LEO Lion
Église Saint-André Choir West face: On a cartouche above the saint's head PASIONEM Passion
Iglesia de San Quirce South-east, choir Main and right sides. FECIT SBI NOE ARCAM IVXTA VBV DNI PPT AQ {VAS DILUVII} Fecit sibi Noe arcam iuxta verbum Domini propter aquas dilivii. « Noah made himself an ark, according to the word of the Lord, for the waters of the flood. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West no inscription
Le Puy, Cathedral Cloister 1st capital, one face [M]ATTEU[S] Matthew
Ancienne église abbatiale Sainte-Geneviève Nave? [E]CENR or ECEVIR ?
Saint-Trophime Cloister On the rim of the tower FILII HISRAEL Son of Israel
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept East (below prostrated person) OD Oda
Saint-Nectaire Choir On column RA NU L FO Ranulfo
Carennac Narthex 1st: Tailloir south CEMENTARIVS a mason
Le Puy, Musée Crozatier Steeple Over the head of one of the Virtues PRUD[ENCIA] Prudence
Maringues Choir South, on the shoulder and chest of the monster MEDIO/TAU/RI Minotaur
Musée du Petit Palais Notre-Dame-des-Doms? JOB (on astragal) Job
Sainte-Foy Choir/ crossing Capitals located at springing of vault Southwest pier, west capital SANCTVS | RV CHE | BIN (book on left) SANCTVS SERAPHIN (book on right) Sanctus Cherubin Sanctus Seraphin
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West no inscription
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East NERO Nero
Église Saint-André Choir East-south-east face on banderole [J]OHA[N]NES LISTA / EVANGE John the Evangelist
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face VLE QVONIAM PERSEQ[V]ER[IS] Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northeast face on the tailloir SALUTACIO Greetings
Sainte-Foy Choir/ crossing Capitals located at springing of vault Northwest pier, north capital SANCTVS GABRIHEL (banderole on left) SANCTE RAPHAEL (banderole on right) Saint Gabriel Saint Raphael
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex West ISAU Esau
Saint-Quentin-de-Baron Choir West CANT DE TA.C BE DEBE Sing: re, mi si, mi, re, mi
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister AVES Birds
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Abacus, right side. (M)ILLITE ORATE PRO ILO Milite orate pro ilo. « Knights, pray for him. »
Le Puy, Musée Crozatier Steeple Over the head of the following TEMPERA / N/ C[I]/ A Temperance
Eglise priorale Choir/altar 1. + HEC ARA EST CONSECRATA 2. IN HONORE SUMAE ET INDIVIDUAE 3. TRINITATIS ET CRUCIS VENE 4. RANDAE : ATQUE SANCTAE DEI 5. GENITRICIS ET VIRGINIS MARIAE This altar is consecrated in honor of the highest and indivisible Trinity and the venerated cross, as well as the Blessed Mother of God and Virgin, Mary.
Maringues Choir North, on the shoulder and chest of the monster MEDIO/TAU/RI Minotaur
Saint-Priest Choir Northeast MARCUS Mark
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face BEATI MITTES BEATI Q[V]I LVGENT Q[VONIAM] I[S]T[I] C[ON]SOLABV[NTVR] Blessed are the meek Blessed are those who mourn because they will be consoled.
Basilique Saint-Denis unknown Right, abacus VIDET} ABRAHAM "He sees Abraham"
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face AZARIAS SIDRAC Azarias Siddrac
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South SANCTA MARIA St. Mary
Saint-Caprais-de-Lerm Choir East LES an angel, Caprais, Dacien, a soldier
Saint-Nectaire Choir South, angel on left DIS CE DI TE Discedite Scatter
Cathédrale Saint-Vincent Choir South PASCHAM DOMINUS PEREGRINIS IN MEDIO RESIDENS DEDIT HIS PANEM BENEDICENS Apppearing to two pilgrims after Easter, the Lord sits between the two and gives them bread for blessing. He avoids their regard.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northeast, no inscription
Basilique Saint-Denis unknown Left, abacus and astragal Abacus (possibly): LAZARVS IN} SINV ABR{AHAE ; AVCDIANT MOISEN ET P(RO)FETAS Astragal (possibly) : AV(DI)AN{T 1.Lazarus in sinu Abrahae : « Lazarus in the bosom of Abraham » 2. Aucdiant Moisen et profetas : « Let them listen to Moses and the prophets » 3. Audiant : « They're listening »
Cluny Choir Each face contains a sculpted male figure within a mandorla. The text is inscribed on the base of the mandorla (ca. 1st quarter 12th century) 1st tone: HIC TONUS ORDITUR MODULAMINA MUSICA PRIMUS 2nd tone: SUBSEQU[ITU]R PTONGUS NUMERO VEL LEGE SECUNDUS 3rd tone: TERTIUS IMPIGIT CHRISTUMQUE RESURGER FINGIT 4th tone: SUCCEDIT QUARTUS SIMULANS IN CARMINE PLANCTUS The first tone organizes musical harmonies The one who follows is the second by number or law The third celebrates and depicts Christ's resurrection The fourth follows imitating mourning in song
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex on impost D-DREX King David
Saint-Nectaire Choir West, the damned lament and an angel holds a banderole DIS SC ED IT E Discedite Scatter
Saint-Pierre Abbey South portal West, on tailloir CARITAS Charity
Eglise Saint-Thomas Choir VIIII KL IENOARII 9 calends of January (24 décembre) ….the Bishop…
Abbaye Saint-Pierre Cloister on the cruciform nimb REX King
Parthenay-le-Vieux Transept west SERIENAE Sirens
Notre-Dame-du-Port Nave/ Choir? East on tailloir BERNARDUS Bernardus
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face VBI : EST ABEL FRATER CAIN TVVS NESCIO Cain, where is your brother, Abel? I don't know
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face; impost block and medallion MARTINVS DIRITVM (on a medallion in middle of face) MARTINVS ADHVC CATECVMINVS Martin divides (his cloak). Martin still a catechumen.
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine West portal, façade of narthex border of arch SANCTA MARIA Saint Mary
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face I[N] P[RINCIPIO] E[RAT] V[ERBVM ET] V[ERBVM] E[R]A[T]
Saint-Priest Choir South tailloir IT : GUILELMES : DE BEZAC was made by Guillaume de Bezac
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North TRE : MARTIRIO : SANCTVS : P Martyrdom of St. Paul
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face GARBA CAIN DIABOLVS : RECIPIT EAM Cain with a sheaf of wheat The devil accepts it.
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex Impost block DIABOLUS DIABOLUS S. BENEDICTUS Devil Devil St. Benedict
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East MARTIRIO : SANCTVS PE Martyrdom of St. Peter
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southwest On the book held by an angel: MA RI A; H O; N On the right, an angel holds a censor and a book: IN CE : LU M Maria hon[orata] in celum Honorable Mary in heaven
Ancienne abbaye Saint-Martin Unknown Unknown, text transcribed by Anfray SAMSON ADEST FORTIS Samson appears strong
Mozac Choir 4th angel 1. IN PRINCIPIO ERAT VERBUM/ 2. ET VERBUM ERAT In the beginning there was the word, and the word was…
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept East (left of personnage) PETR US MI LES : III FRS RVIIZ SCX HUGO MA CVS Peter, a soldier. Three brothers [?] Hugh monk
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South on impost block TE TVA IVDICA ME : DEVS E[X] judge me in your strength. O God
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southwest on the banderole OCCUL/ TE/ DI/ MI/ TER/ E E / AM/ R[O]T/BERT/US/ME/FE/CT/I occulte dimitere eam Rotbertus me fecit. To dismiss the secret Rotbertus made me.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face L[IBER] • G[ENERATIONIS] I[ESV] • X[PISTI] F[ILII] D[AVID] F[ILII] A[BRAHAM] The book of the generation (of Christ). Jesus Christ, son of David, son of Abraham
Saint-Priest Choir West tailloir CTI PRECTI : QUE FEC sacred precinct (precti ?) which [Corpus translates as: Begin the donation of Saint Priest that Guillaume de Bezac made pour his soul and that of his wife)
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir South MICAEL ARCHANGELVS IC EST DIABOLVS Archangel Michael This is the devil
Sainte-Foy Nave west TV PRO O, you accept the pay for evil
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face A (OMEGA) Alpha Omega
Arnac-Pompadour Choir West PETR PASCUNT [MEAS OVES] Petrus pascunt meas oves. Peter, they graze with my sheep. Pierre, Ils font paître mes brebis.
Ancienne église priorale Saint-Divitien Choir Astragale VICTOR MOX SVPEROS ABVIT DE MOR+FI Winner, he immediately made the man free from death.
Menat Choir South tailloir text is unreadable
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Choir North TERIUS HUGO DE SCA MA S BENEDICTUS FRS HUGON/IS [hi]terius Hugo de sancta Ma[ria] sanctus Benedictus fraters Hugonis sanctus Benedictus Hugo m[nachos] ma[ter] Dei Hitier. Hugues de Sainte-Marie. Saint Benoît. Les frères d'Hugues. Saint-Benoît. Hugues moine. Mère de Dieu.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face I[NITIVM] E[VANGELII] I[ESV] C[HRISTI] F[ILII D[EI]
Crypte de Saint-Girons Crypt South HOSTIA PETRO—SOLVE Peter
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir MILLE ARTIFEX SCRIPSIT TU PRISIST; USSURA S.R.E. The master of a thousand [tricks] wrote: you perished through usury.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face B[EAT]I MISERICORDES BEATI CORDE MVNDO Blessed are the merciful. Blessed are the clean of heart.
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept South on each side of Christ A (omega) Omega
Sainte-Foy Cloister Opposite face on impost block DAVID + IDITHVN David and Idithun
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Main side, on the tomb. SIMILE: SEPULCRO: DN: QĀDO (maybe): Simile sepulcro domino nostro quemadmodum « Like the tomb of our Lord. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face ANGELVS DOMINI ET ABDENGALO Angel of the Lord and Abdenago
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Under impost block LACIO The sacrifice
Crypte de Saint-Girons Crypt East FEREA QUID—CVSTODES— A miracle. The guards
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Nave Identification of personnages S[ANCTUS] ANTONIUS BEAUTUS PAUL Saint Anthony Blessed Paul
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West, on impost block ME FAC ET IN VIRTV and judge me in your strength
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face no inscription
Iglesia de San Quirce North-east, choir Main side. ABEL. KAIN. KAIN IMPIVS. Abel. Kain. Kain impius. « Cain and Abel. Cain was impious. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face NCTA Holy Jerusalem
Menat Choir West taillor E.. V. FECIT OPERA made (or had made) the work
Notre-Dame-du-Port Nave east MARCUS (angel to left) JONAHC (angel on right) Mark John
Ancienne église priorale Saint-Divitien Choir Astragale GRESSVS St. Peter to gird and put on his shoes. On the order of the angel he advances with a firm step.
Musée du Petit Palais Notre-Dame-des-Doms? HELIPHAT / [SO]/PHAR (on face and astragal)
Saint-Porchaire West Portal West HIC DANIEL DOMINO VI[NCIT] COETVM LEONINVM Here Daniel, by the grace of the Lord, triumphs over a troup of lions
Eglise Saint-Seurin West entrance South ABRA HAM ET HY SAHAC Abraham and Isaac
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face no inscription no inscription
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Choir North (over Hugh) BENEDICTUS : HUGO MO Blessed Hugh, a monk
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face ET IDITVN CVM CIM BALIS and Idithun with cymbals
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face; on the face MANDATVM Mandatum
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face DI EI ANA (DI[VITIS] EI AN[IM]A) The soul of this rich rich one is delivered
Maringues Choir North ANGELUS MICAEL Angel Michael
Saint-Yrieix-le-Déjalat Choir IN D[ES]ER TO AFER TEMTA TOR DEI PE TR A M In deserto afer temtator Dei petram The tempter in the wilderness of God brings a stone.
Abbatiale Notre-Dame Portal (?) YSAIAS Isaiah
Arnac-Pompadour Nave North [SPS S]CS SVPERVEN [I]ET IN TE Spiritus sanctus superveniet in te. The Holy Spirit will come onto you.
Carennac Narthex 2nd: Tailloir west FECIT ISTVM PORTARIVM made ths portal
Le Puy, Musée Crozatier Steeple Over the head of the thrid JUSTICIA Justice
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Nave East Face (impost) DANIEL IN LACU Daniel in the Den
Collegiate of Saint-Gaudens Cloister EGO SVM/ SANCTVS PE/ TRV/S I am St. Peter
Eglise Saint-Savinien, Melle West Portal lintel ……..S…….X………
Eglise Saint-Michel Choir Over head of central figure DANIEL (?) Daniel
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face CLAVDUS IHERVSALEM Claudus Jerusalem
Saint-Priest Choir North JUSTITIA Justice
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Nave North Face (impost) LEONUN Lion
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face; impost block REX REGNUM TUUM TRANSIIT A TE your reign crossed over from you
Saint-Caprais-de-Lerm Choir West ANGEL[VS] CAP an angel, Caprais, Dacien, a soldier
Saint-Pierre le Haut Capital on the second column of the rond-point of choir, south side West BABILONIA : (three points) MAGNA ME RETRIX PASTOR BONVS Babylon, the great prostitute The Good shepherd
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face SERPENS ANTICVS QVI : EST DIABOLVS Ancient snake who is the devil
Mozac Choir 2nd angel 1. VOX CLAMANTIS IN DE/ 2. SERTO PARATE VIAM DOMINI A voice of one crying in the desert: Prepare ye the way of the Lord
Saint-Nectaire Choir West 1. TRI 2. .A. 3. TABER 4. NA 5. CU 6. LA 7. .I. 8. IC If you wish, we will make three tabernacles here.
Saint-Caprais-de-Lerm Choir South RASI[VS] DACIA[NVS] : MI an angel, Caprais, Dacien, a soldier
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face ETAN CVM TIM PHANO Ethan with a tambourine
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Porch North abacus SEPT ECCLEAE Sept(em) ecclesiae Quae videris scribe in libro et audieris Seven Churches
Saint-Caprais-de-Lerm Choir West IA GRATIA PLENA Full of Grace
Parthenay-le-Vieux Choir north CAPRICORNIVS Capricorn
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face ANGELI PASTORES ASI[NVS] BOVES Angels, shepherds, ass, cows
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face, figures are identified AVGVRIVS FRVCTV EVLOGIVS OSVS EPI SCOPVS Augurus, Fructuosus, and Eulogius Bishop
Saint-Savinien Choir north (impost) HA[NC] This
Église de l'Assomption Choir south ESTOTE ERGO SANCTI QUIA EGO SANCTUS SUM DICIT [DOMINUS] Inscription is dated to not before the first half of the 11th century.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister SANCTVS M[ATHEV]S + APOSTOLVS; on book-LEFT PAGE: LIBER | G IHV | XPI EILI | D. FI LI. | A.G. A | I Saint Matthew, Apostle The Book about …
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Choir South (arch above Virgin) MA DI M Mother of God
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Porch West (would have been inscribed) (GLADII DE ORE DOMINI EXITE JOHANNES TREMITE or GLADIUS… EXI.. From the mouth of the lord came a sword John trembled.
Saint-Priest Choir Southeast MATEUS Matthew
Saint-Pierre Abbey South portal South, on tailloir [INVIDIA] hate/envy
Cathédrale Saint-Caprais Choir North? 1. DACIANVS MILES SANCTVS/ CAPRASIVS Dacien the soldier, orders St. Caprais
Sainte-Foy Cloister Main face on impost block EMAN + ASAPH Eman and Asaph
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir North SIMEON IHESVS SANCTA MARIA Simeon Jesus St. Mary
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face IOHANNES PETRVS John Peter
Ancien prieuré Saint-Hilaire Choir Impost block facing south FACERE ME AIMERICVS ROGAVIT Aimericus asked that I be made
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex Over head of apostles SANCTUS PETRUS SANCTUS PAUL[US] Saint Peter Saint Paul
Sainte-Foy Choir West Omega; MACTANDVS OM Sacrifice
Saint-Trophime Cloister Above figures MARTA/ MARIA Martha Mary
Le Puy, Musée Crozatier North Portal Central KARITAS Charity
Le Puy, Cathedral Cloister on the abacus of another face MARCUS Mark
Ancienne église priorale Nave north face URSUS Bear
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir South west on the tailloir JOSEP : VOLUIT Joseph wished
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face [QI] AQUILA Eagle
Catus Cloister South P E (Petrus) Peter
Le Puy, Cathedral Cloister 2nd capital, on the abacus of one of the capital's faces LUCAS Luke
Eglise Saint-Pierre, Aulnay (2nd half 12th c.) Choir East face, impost SAMSONEM VINCIT COMA V[I]NC[TV]S CRINE MO[VETVR] Samson conquered removing a lock of hair
Saint-Priest Choir Southwest LUCAS Luke
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face GABIHEL (Gabrihel) Gabriel
Ancienne église priorale Saint-Divitien Choir South west corbeille ANGELICO IVSSV SOLIDOS OBPONERE St. Peter to gird and put on his shoes. On the order of the angel he advances with a firm step.
Saint-Priest Choir South FORTITUDO Fortitude
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north VINO VE FATA I I[n] vino ve[re] fa[c]t[a] [aqua] Water is truly made into wine
La Daurade Cloister …S NISI …VE …DOMVS ISR.E. [NON SVM MISSV]S NISI [AD O]VE[S QUE PERIERVNT] DOMVS ISR[A]E[L]. I was not sent but to the sheep that are lost of the house of Israel.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face; impost block HIC MARTINVS : ELECTVS Here Martin elected
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face SERAPHIN Seraphin
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir North GABRIEL ANGELVS DIXIT GLORIA IN EXCELSIS DEO The angel Gabriel He says: Glory to God on high
Notre-Dame-la-Grande Choir West ROTBERTVS (on the thimble) VAVSTER (on the face) Come, Rotbertus
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face; Inscription is on each side of the patriarch. [A]NIME T[ENET] ABRAAM Abraham holds the soul
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face B[EAT]I PACIFICI Q[VONIAM] F[ILII] D[EI] V[OCABVUNTUR] B[EAT]I Q[V]I PERSECVTIONE[M] P[ATIVNTVR] Blessed are the peacemakers because they will be called the children of God. Blessed are those who suffer persecution.
La Daurade Cloister PHISON: GEON Phison Geon
Ancien prieuré Saint-Pierre South Portal Inscriptions are carved on the south portal's corniche moldings of [LVCAS] IOHANNES [IESVS] [MATEVS] MARCVS John Mark
Basilique Saint-Denis unknown Front face, abacus MEN}DIC(VS) LAZAR(VS) et HICEPVLAT(VR) DIVE{S 1.Mendicus Lazarus : "The Beggar Lazarus" 2. Hicepulatur dives : "Here feats the rich"
Orcival Nave East FOL DIVES Crazy Rich
Eglise Notre-Dame Choir GAB RIEL Gabriel
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister N[VNC] S[CIO] V[ERE] Q[VIA] M[ISIT] D[OMINVS] A[NGELVM SVVM] E[T ERIPVIT ME DE MANV] H[ERODIS] Now, I truly know that the Lord sent an angel and removed me from the hand of Herod.
La Daurade Cloister DEVORATA SVNT IN MOMENTO They will devour in an instant.
Cathédrale Saint-Caprais Choir Opposite side RAGVEL Raguel
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face SAL Holy Jerusalem
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southeast ECCE LI BRO; VITE ; ECCE ; MARIA G[RATIA] (?) A NOBIS ASUMTA Ecce libro vite. Ecce Maria gratia a nobis asunta. Behold, the book of Life. Behold, Mary, through grace, is held far from us.
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Porch South (on book) DE E RIS N ET AV BRO Write in a book that which you see and hear
Église Saint-André Choir west MINARTA / URUS
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face; on the left of the face GOLIAS Golias (Goliath?)
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face L AQUILA Eagle
Unknown Unknown On the sarcophagus, left side. VENI FORAS (Lazarus) venis foras. Lazarus, come out (Jean, 11:43).
Champeix Choir Impost of the south capital BOOT : Booz
Carennac Narthex 1st: Tailloir west GIRBERTVS Girbertus
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face AVLE : SAVLE : SA Saul, Saul why do you persecute me?
Église Saint-André Choir West face: on the astragal SANCTI ANDREE APOSTOLI Pasionem Sancti Andree Apostoli Passion of the apostle St. Andrew
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept West (between angel and person) GABRIEL ABA C E AS Gabriel. Habacuc
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept North DA NIEL Daniel
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East on impost block SAVDI ORACIONEM hear my prayer
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face no inscription
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Porch South UNBERTUS ME FECIT Unbertus made me
Saint-Priest Choir West TEMPERANTIA + Temperance
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister On the border, above figure's head SARRA Sarah
Menat Choir North tailloir [G]IRALDUS CAM I : Giraldus
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir South SANCTA MARIA Saint Mary
La Daurade Cloister On corbeille QVATVOR/ HIC SOCI/ I CONCI/ TANTVR IN/ ORDINE/ DAVID Quatuor hic socii concitantur in ordine David. Here, four companions are immediately appointed to the order of David.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face SANCVS IACOBVS + APOSTOLVS St. James, Apostle
Ancienne Abbaye Notre-Dame Crypt East HAIREBOIDUS or HATIREBOIDEUS (?)
Iglesia de San Quirce North-east, choir left side. ET KAIN AGRICOLA. Et Kain agricola. « And Cain, a farmer. »
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir East BABILO NIA DE SER TA PASTORES Babylon deserts Shepherds
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face NAME CVM ROTA Eman with a rota
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face no inscription no inscription
Carennac Narthex 2nd: Tailloir south BENEDICTA SIT ANIMA EIVS Girbertus, a mason, made this portal. Bless his soul.
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept South on each side of Christ (to the right of his right hand between book and monk GU GO M Hugh, a monk
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face no inscription
Eglise Notre-Dame Choir West A (OMEGA). Alpha and Omega
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southwest on the book IN ON ME FI/ ORE SANCTA / ERI / MARIA JUS / : STEF SIT / ANUS In honore sancta Maria Stefanus me fieri jussit In honor of St. Mary, Stefanus ordered me to be made.
Mozac Choir 3rd angel 1. FUIT IN DIEBUS HERODIS REGIS/ 2. JUDAE SACERDOS QUIDAM There was in the days of King Herod, the king of Judea, a certain priest named Zacariah
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face CHERVBIN Cherubin
Lescar Choir ANGELVS PASTORES/ MAGI MVNERA CRISTO DEFERVNT Angel. Shepherds. The Magi bring gifts to Christ.
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept South (upper) CLEO PAS MI LES Cleopas, a soldier
Saint-Nectaire Choir South 1. DOMINE 2. BONUM 3. EST 4. NOS 5. IC E 6. SSE 7. SI VI[S] 8. FACI 9. [A]MU 10. S Domine, bonum est nos ic esse. Si vis faciamus tria tabernacula I ic Ranulfo. Lord it is good for us to be here.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face Q[VONIAM] Q[VIDEM] M[VLTI] C[ONATI SVNT] O[RDINARE] N[ARRATIONEM]
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face SEVLCRVM BEATI : STEPHANI Tomb of St. Stephen
Sorde-L'Abbaye Choir South DEI TRADICCIO + DOMINI NOSTRI CHRISTI The arrest of our Lord Jesus Christ
Iglesia de San Quirce north-west, transept FACTVS EST ABEL PASTOR OVIVM Factus est Abel pastor ovium. « Abel became a shepherd. »
Saint-Germain-des-Près Choir West
Saint-Benoît-sur-Loire Transept South on each side of Christ (under his arm) HUGO MILES Hugh, a soldier (knight)
Saint-Révérien Choir South East INFERNUM (under hammer); COM REIS CIDA… (on mouth of hell) Hell. With the sinners
Abbaye Saint-Pierre Cloister north face LITICIA + Laetitia = Joy
La Daurade Cloister IN/ IG/ NE /M/ ET/ ER/ NVM in ignem eternum in eternal fire
Notre-Dame-la-Grande Choir ME FE[CIT] Made me
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister Southeast angle BABILONIA (SE angle) MAGNA (NE angle) Great Babylon
Sainte-Foy Choir Tribune; South Transept BERNARDUS ME FECIT Bernardus made me
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East on impost block MLYZABCDEFGHI Alphabet
Cathédrale Saint-Vincent Choir EAST VISIBUS AMBORUM [E]X[C]EDIT (?) Apppearing to two pilgrims after Easter, the Lord sits between the two and gives them bread for blessing. He avoids their regard.
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir West AVTA MARIA (on nimb of Virgin) : (3 points) GOFRIDVS ME FECIT …Marie Gofridus made me.
Albussac Choir West INCEPI E ou F (?) NIS ECLESIAM dss AETERNAM Incipi eclesiam aeternam I started the Church eternal
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face MISAELIS MISAC Misaeli Misach
Eglise Saint-Pierre, Aulnay (2nd half 12th c.) Choir west & south face CAIM ABEL Cain Abel
Iglesia de San Quirce South-west, transept NON EXTENDAS MANV SVP PVERV ISAAC Non extendas manum super puerum Isaac. « Do not lay hands on you son Isaac. »
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Abacus, main side. ISTO: ARCO FECI RODRICUS GUSTIUT VIR VALDE BONU(S) Isto arco feci Rodricus Gusiut vir valde bonus. «This arc pas made by Rodrigo Gustioz, a good man. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East no inscription
Crypte de Saint-Girons Crypt South MIRVM SIC CEDVNT The gates of iron opened for
Eglise Saint-Thomas Choir ..ISCO.VM bishop
Saint-Trophime Cloister On astragle LAZARE Lazarus
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face IACOB[VS] I O A N [N] [ES] FI LIPI[S] TO S M A James John Philip Thomas
Abbatiale Notre-Dame Portal (?) (on left page): NO. / …PE/ (on rt. page): .. / PET./ RA.. Peter
Abbatiale Notre-Dame Portal (?) [I]OS / EPH Joseph
Le Puy, Musée Crozatier Steeple Over the head of the fourth FORTI[TUDO] Fortitude
Menat Choir North face LEO Lion
Abbatiale Saint-Sauveur unknown (Text according to Anfray): SAMSON ADEST FORTIS This is Samson, the strong
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South on impost block HAC ME VESTE : CONTEXIT Here with my cloak. He protected
Eglise Saint-Savinien, Melle Transept West face On book PAX / V / O / BIS Peace to you
Saint-Sardos Nave East DANI + / HELIS: HEL refers to God in Hebrew.
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Abacus, left side. PETRUS CARO PRIOR Petrus Caro prior fecit ista eclesia et domus et claustra omnia que ab e fundat era MCCXXIII. "Prior Pedro Caro made this church, the monastery and the cloister, and all this was founded by him in 1223*." (*1185 of our calendar)
Musée du Petit Palais Notre-Dame-des-Doms? ELIUT (on astragal)
Saint-Savinien Choir south face (impost) VIR CLARUS BALDUINUS ET Balduinus is a distinct (illustrious) man and
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North on impost block DEI PONTIFEX Elected pontif of God
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face IHERV Holy Jerusalem
Ancienne abbaye Saint-Martin Unknown On face of capital, letters approx. 5.5cm. FINOS, PHICA R[HIO (?)] Finos (?) Magpie Rhino (?)
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face CAIN OCCIDIT : ABEL Cain kills Abel.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face LEO LEO DANIELE[M] M[ISERUNT IN] LACUM LEONIS They threw Daniel into the lions' den
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northeast face on the tailloir AVE MAR . IA Hail Mary
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face EM SA Holy Jerusalem
Saint-Germain-des-Près Choir South ?
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face MARTIRES IN FLAMIS AVGVRIVSA DIACO EVLOGIVS DI Martyrs in flames Deacon Augurus Deacon Eulogus
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face ANANIAS IGNIS IN FORNACE Ananias Fire in the furnace
Ancien prieuré Saint-Eptade Western Portal ANGLS Angels
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face no inscription
Eglise Saint-Pierre, Aulnay (2nd half 12th c.) Choir north and west face HI SVNT ELEPHANTES Here are elephants
Ancienne église priorale Nave east face VIVENCIUS : GIRALDUS FILIUS SUUS Vivence. His son, Giraud.
Abbaye Saint-Pierre South Portal APOSTOLVS / PET[RVS] ADVENIAT…TORIS FI(?) The apostle Peter arrives at…?
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister Northeast angle BABILONIA (SE angle) MAGNA (NE angle) Great Babylon
Iglesia de San Quirce South-east, choir Left side. KAIN VBI EST FRATER TVV(s) ABEL. Kain, ubi est frater tuus Abel. « Cain, where is your brother Abel ? »
Saint-Priest Choir North tailloir INCIPIT DONALIA : SAN Begin the donation of
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest face, on the book DEM / ON CO N/ TRA/ VIRTUTE/ S PUG/ NAT Demon contra virtutes pugnat. Demon fights against the virtues.
Sainte-Foy Choir/ crossing Capitals located at springing of vault Northwest pier, east capital SANCTVS LVCAS (banderole on left) SANCTVS IOHANNES (banderole on right) Saint Luke Saint John
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex South BOCAI CAASI Jacob Isaac
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest face, on the shielf of the virtue CARITUS; Charity
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face ANGELVS SANCTVS IOHANNES Angel St. John
Saint-Austremoine Choir AVE NA DOMINUS MARIA TECUM GRACIA SPIRITUS PLE SANCTUS SUPER[VENIET] Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with you. The Holy Spirit will come to you.
Vigeois Choir CLAVIGE[R]…….E…….R……T Keys
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face A AQUILA Eagle
Saint-Savinien Choir east (impost) PETRONILLA UXOR EJUS his wife Petronilla
Saint-Pierre Abbey South portal East/ on tailloir SUPERBIA Pride/arrogance
Saint-Révérien Choir South West PARADISUS Paradise
Crypte de Saint-Girons Crypt West RE ANGELVS PETRVM Solvere angelus petrum An angel frees Peter
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face GOG ET MAGOG Gog and Magog
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West on impost block OMINE TVO SALVVM Save me, O God, by thy name
Basilique Saint-Denis unknown ECCE {VIR} AGO Ecce Virago : "This is the woman"
Mozac Choir 1st angel 1. LIBER GENERATIONIS/ 2. JHESU XRISTI FILI DAVID The book of the generation (of Christ). Jesus Christ, son of David
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face MICALEL Michael
Saint-Révérien Choir North East S[anctus michael] St. Michael
Parthenay-le-Vieux Choir south LEO NNES Lions
Saint-Porchaire West Portal south LEONES Lions
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face : SAMARITANVS : QVIDAM A certain Samaritan
Ancienne abbaye Saint-Martin Unknown On corbeille at an agle ETHIOP Ethiopian
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face PASTORES Shepherds
Ancien prieuré Saint-Martin Choir IHESVS CHRISTVS (HIS XPS) Jesus Christ
Le Puy, Cathedral Cloister on a banderole held by an evangelist LIBER GENERATIONI[S] The book of the generation [of Christ]. (Beginning of the Book of Matthew
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face DAVID CITARAM PERCVTIEBAT IN DOMO DOMINI David striking the cithara in the house of the Lord
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North on impost block ET : SANAVIT : EVM Man of God. Benedict struck a monk with a staff, and the Lord healed him through him
Sorde-L'Abbaye Choir West EV IVDAS [I]SCHARIOT (written backwards) Evil! Judas Iscariot
Sainte-Foy Choir/ crossing Capitals located at springing of vault Northwest pier, south capital SANCTVS MARCVS (on book to left) SANCTVS MATHEVS (on book to right) Saint Mark Saint Matthew
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face no inscription no inscription
Saint-Nectaire Choir East VE T NI E Venite Come
La Daurade Cloister DANIEL INTER LEONES Daniel between the lions.
Ancienne église priorale Saint-Divitien Choir South East corbeille [P]R[E]CINGERE PETRVS CALGAS ASSUMERE SANCTVS St. Peter to gird and put on his shoes. On the order of the angel he advances with a firm step.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West on impost block PERCVSSIT : MONACHVM Man of God. Benedict struck a monk with a staff, and the Lord healed him through him
Unknown Unknown Abacus, main side. MARIA ET MARTA Mary and Martha
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face ET INCIDIT : IN LATRONES And he happened upon robbers
Eglise Saint-Michel Choir Over head of figures (left): IA[COB] (rt): [ES]AV Jacob Esau
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face ABEL Abel
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest, on the vice's shield AVARICIA Avarice
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister impost block; north face NON[N]E HAEC EST BABILON MAGNA QUAM That is not the great Babylon that
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North on impost block DEVS IN NOMINE TVO SA[L[VVM Save me, O God, by thy name
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face; impost block FENVM VT BOS COMEDES ET SEPTEM TEMPORA MVTABVNTVR SVPER TE you will eat hay like a cow and seven times will change over you
Saint-Priest Choir East UMILIT[AS] Humility
Église Saint-Julien Choir Northwest capital ANGELUS
Basilique Saint-Julien Narthex East MILE AR TIFEX / SCRIPSI TU [P]ERIS[TI] USURA The master of a thousand [tricks] wrote: you perished through usury.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face no inscription
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Right side. ERA MCCXXIII Petrus Caro prior fecit ista eclesia et domus et claustra omnia que ab e fundat era MCCXXIII. "Prior Pedro Caro made this church, the monastery and the cloister, and all this was founded by him in 1223*." (*1185 of our calendar)
Cluny Choir Text is inscribed on a band across the middle of each face 1st tone: HIC TONUS ORDITUR MODULAMINA MUSICA PRIMUS ; 2nd tone: SUBSEQU[ITU]R PTONGUS NUMERO VEL LEGE SECUNDUS; 3rd tone: TERTIUS IMPIGIT CHRISTUMQUE RESURGER FINGIT; 4th tone: SUCCEDIT QUARTUS SIMULANS IN CARMINE PLANCTUS The first tone organizes musical harmonies The one who follows is the second by number or law The third celebrates and depicts Christ's resurrection The fourth follows imitating mourning in song
Sainte-Foy Choir South O A[BR]AHAM IBI OBTVLIT SVAM PROL[EM]; Mactandus omo Abraham ibi obtulit suam prolem. Abraham offers his offspring
Église Saint-André Choir West-north-west face on banderole LUCAS E[VANGELISTA] Luke the Evangelist
Saint-Pierre Abbey South portal South/ on tailloir HUMILITATIS Humility
Saint-Pierre le Haut Choir A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z Alphabet
Basilique Saint-Denis unknown Fourth face, destroyed.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southest. Inscriptions start on the tailloir and follow on the shields :LARGI CARI:/; SAT TAS; Largitas, Caritas
La Daurade Cloister [V]EN DI[C]/ [ITE] BE [T]I PA/ [NE] TRIS Venite benedicti Patris. Come blessed of the Father
Iglesia de San Quirce North-east, choir Right side. ABEL IVSTVS. Abel iustus. « Abel, righteous. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face, inscriptions are below the characters. The name, Lazarus, is below architecture, which represents the Rich man's house [PAVP]ER DIVES LAZARVS Pauper Rich Man Lazarus
Sainte-Lucie Tribune East, on tailloir DANIELIS Daniel
Collegiate of Saint-Gaudens Cloister EGO SVM/ SANCTVS PAVLVS I am St. Paul
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face BEATI PAVP[ER]ES SP[IRIT]V ESVRIVNT BEATI Q[V]I Blessed are the poor in spirit. Blessed are those who are hungry.
Eglise Saint-Sauveur Nave south aisle, pier separating the first bay from the second. 1. + IIII : IDVS : APRILIS : HOC : ALTARE : CONSECRATVM : EST : A DOMINO : GERALDO : CATVR 2. CENSE : EPISCOPO : IN : HONORE • SANCTE MARIE : ET : SANCTI : MICHAELIS ET SANCTE : MARIE : EGIPTACE 3. ET BEATI : BLASII On the 4 ides of April Le [10 avril] this altar was consecrated by the seigneur Géraud, bishop of Cahors, in honor of St. Mary and ST. Michael and St. Mary the Egyptian and the Blessed Blaise.
Saint-Trophime Cloister Over figure's head ABRA[HA]M Abraham
Eglise Choir ROTBERTVS ME COM[PO]S[VIT] Robert composed me.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face; impost block VIR DEI : BENEDICTVS VIRGA Man of God. Benedict struck a monk with a staff, and the Lord healed him through him
Maringues Choir North 1. NONE DECE[M] MUNDAT[I] SUN[T] 2. ET NOVEM UB[I SUNT]. The ten are not cleansed? And where are the other nine?
Collegiate of Saint-Gaudens Cloister SANCTVS FILIPVS St. Philip
La Daurade Cloister TRANSFIGVRACIO DOMINI Transfiguration of the Lord
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face SISVA CABRAS Forest She-goats
Eglise Saint-Savinien, Melle Transept West face To right of figure NI / CO / LA / VS Nicholas
La Daurade Cloister TIGRIS : EVF[R]ATES Tigris Euphrates
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East on impost block DOMNVS : PER : ILLVM Man of God. Benedict struck a monk with a staff, and the Lord healed him through him
Sainte-Foy Choir West TK TK
Ancienne cathédrale Saint-Vincent West Portal angel combatting a demon [DEMONIUS COGNATUR INTRARE VETATUR] ANGELUS OBSTAT EI PREDITUS EN[SE] A demon prepares to enter but it is stopped. An angel armed with a sword blocks him [the demon].
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face B ET LM E Bethlehem
Saint-Priest Choir Northwest JOHANNES John
Saint-Caprais-de-Lerm Choir North ELIZABET AVE MAR Elizabeth, Hail Mary
Abbaye de Moutiers-Saint-Jean Unknown Abacus, main side. 1. ABEL CUM PRIMICIIS 2. CAIN CUM LOLIO Abel cum primiciis. « Abel with the firstfruits. » Caïn cum lolio. « Cain with tares. »
Cluny Choir Text is inscribed on a band across the middle of each face 5th tone: OSTENDIT QUINTUS QUAM SIT QUISQ[U]IS TUMET IMUS; 6th tone: SI CUPIS AFFECTUM PIETATIS RESPICE SEXTUM; 7th tone: INSINUAT FLATU[M] CU[M] DONIS SEPTIMUS ALMUM; 8th tone: OCTAVUS SANCTOS OMNES DOCET ESSE BEATOS The fifth shows how each treble swells If you desire to prepare your soul to piety consider the sixth [tone] The seventh penetrates the breath of the Spirit and its gifts The eighth leads all the saints to bliss
Saint-Nectaire Choir South, angel on right VEN ITE BE NE Venite bene[dicti] Come, blessed
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face; inscription on the face SCA MARIA CR OR[IENS] Sancta Maria cum regibus. St Mary with the King East
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North on impost block KLMNOPQRSTVZADEVS IN N Alphabet and Save me, O God, by thy name
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southeast face on the tailloir EX SAUDI TA EST ORATIO TUA exsaudita est oratio tua your prayer is granted
Ancien prieuré Saint-Fortunat Cloister TROQUO : LUDE: ALIAS: FUGE Troquo. Play. Elsewhere. Flee.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southwest face two bands run along either side of Zacharias NE TI ME AS ZA CA RI A H C Ne timeas Zacaria c. Fear not Zacaria
Saint-Trophime Cloister On the tablets TABUL[A] / MOYSY Tablets of Moses
Iglesia de San Quirce South-east, choir DE SEDE MA De sede maiestatis « From the throne of majesty. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face [E]MILIA NVS PRE[SES] I D C E N Emilianus, governor Lyre player
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South face IESVS SVRTEP AN DR[EAS] PAVLVS Jesus Peter Andrew Paul
Iglesia de San Quirce North-west, nave Left side. CREA{T}OR OMNIV Creator omnium. « Creator of everything. »
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister south face under David VC: HPASA LIRA Asaph with a lira
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Southwest, on the tailloir ANGELUS Angel.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northeast face JO : / AN/ NE :/ S ES/ T NO/ MEN / EJUS Joannes est nomen ejus John is his name. Ne crains pas, Zacharie. Ta prière a été exaucée. Jean est son nom. Salutation. Salut, Marie. Joseph voulut la renvoyer en secret. Robert m'a fait.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face ADAM Adam
Vilhosc Crypt West VII KALENDAS MAR[CII] DEDICACIO. …] ALTARIA . SANCTI SEPULCRI. ET SANCTI BER[…] 7 Kalends of March The altar is dedicated to the blessed sepulcher and St Ber…
Champeix Choir Impost of north capital CIACHIN Probable date: 12th century
Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand Choir VGO MONE DARIVS Ugo moneatarius
Eglise Saint-Sauveur (2nd half 11th c) Choir North face PREBVIT EXEMPLVM CVM : FIT DIABOLICE TEMP[VS?] She (the beast) serves as an example until the time of the devil comes about.
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister north face SAMSON
Iglesia de San Quirce North-west, nave Main and right side. ADAM EVA PERCVSSIT PROPIV MA{LE M}ORSV EVA MARITV Adam Eva. Percussit propium mala morsum Eva maritum. « Adam and Eve. Eve killed her own husband with one bite. »
Sorde-L'Abbaye Choir/ North, on tailloir HISTORIA DANIEL[IS] PROPHETE. The story of Daniel the prophet
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South on impost block AXBVCT[ ] Letters
Le Puy, Cathedral Cloister on the abacus of the other face JOHANNES John
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister west face A AQUILA Eagle
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West VIN[V]M CANA Wine Cana
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face; on the gate IH ERV SL AE M Jerusalem
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face no inscription
Santa Maria de Lebanza Crossing Main side. (F)ECIT ISTA ECLESIA ET DOMUS ET CLAUSTRA OM(NI)A QUE AB E F(U)NDAT Petrus Caro prior fecit ista eclesia et domus et claustra omnia que ab e fundat era MCCXXIII. "Prior Pedro Caro made this church, the monastery and the cloister, and all this was founded by him in 1223*." (*1185 of our calendar)
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister West face; on the right of the face PVTEVS : ABISSI Pit of the abyss
Saint-Nectaire Choir West, a nimbed figure presents an open book JO AN ES JU DI OS Joanes: judicat omnes John: He judges all
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister South [IMPLETE] A[QVA] IDRINAS Fill the water urns (John 2:7)
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister impost block; west face EGO HEDIFICAVI : TIBI DICITVR NABVCHODONOSOR I built: It is said to you, Nabuchodonosor
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister East face SACERDOS : CVM LEVITA : PERTRANSIIT A priest with a levit passed on by
Usson-Du-Poitou West Portal West face LETAR[E] Rejoice
Cathédrale Saint-Caprais Choir North? 2. PRECIPIT OCCIDIT MORITVR CELESTIA SCAN[DIT] to be killed dead, he ascends to heaven
Cathédrale Saint-Caprais Choir West side, on impost against wall TOBIAM Tobias
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northeast face on the tailloir IRA SE OCCIDIT Anger kills itself
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest Left page: ECCE ADAM CAS I UN Right page: US E X VO BIS ; FAC Ecce Adam casi unus ex vobis fac[tus]. Behold, Adam came from one to amongst you
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face no inscription
Saint-Hilaire-le-Grand Choir ALEACIS Aleacis
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister North face CVRAM : ILLIVS : HABE : You managed care of this one
Collegiate of Saint-Gaudens Cloister SANCTVS/ IACOBVS/ SANCTVS/ THOM[AS] St. James, St. Thomas
Duravel Crypt South face BERNARDVS Bernardus
Eglise Saint-Savinien, Melle Transept South face EST SAVINIA NVS . QVEM SIC . NECAT AVRELIAN VSA Here is Savinien, whom Aurelian killed in this way.
Notre-Dame-du-Port Choir Northwest, on both shields ABSCON TESAURO Abscon[dit in] tesauro or Abscon[dito] tesauro Charity. Avarice. It hides in his treasury.
Sainte-Marie-Madeleine Narthex on impost RAPHAEL ANGE[LUS] TOBIAS TOBIAS Raphael Angel Tobias Tobias
Saint-Pierre de Moissac Cloister east face no inscription